Biblical Meaning Of Insects In Dreams




Biblical Meaning Of Insects In Dreams


Please note that the interpretations and insights shared on this blog by Hilda Warner are based on psychological theories and personal observations. They reflect her subjective understanding and do not claim to offer definitive explanations for your dreams.

People have been interested in and afraid of insects for a long time, and they often show up in dreams, too.

If you have recently dreamed about insects, you may be wondering what they could mean in a biblical context.

Insects in dreams can mean different things depending on the situation and the person, but there are some general biblical references and themes that may help explain what they mean.

Old Testament References Of Insects:

In several places in the Old Testament, insects are used as symbols for things that are small and unimportant.

In Psalm 105:34, the Israelites are said to be “gnawed by locusts and plagued by flies,” which shows how bad their situation is and how vulnerable they are.

In the same way, in Isaiah 7:18, the Lord tells the King of Assyria that he will “swarm with bees” and “hive with honey” as a sign that he is about to lose and that the land he will take over is full.

In the Old Testament, insects are not only used as metaphors, but they are also talked about as pests that can hurt people and crops. In Exodus 10:13, for example, God punishes Pharaoh for not letting the Israelites go by sending a plague of locusts.

In Leviticus 11:20–23, some insects are listed as unclean animals that should not be eaten. In Deuteronomy 28:38, pests are mentioned as a punishment for disobedience.

New Testament References Of Insects:

Insects are talked about less often in the New Testament, but they are still mentioned in a few places.

Matthew 3:4 says that John the Baptist wore a “cloth of camel’s hair and had a leather belt around his waist.” It also says that he ate “locusts and wild honey.” This passage is often taken to mean that John lived a simple, ascetic life and depended on God for his food.

In the New Testament, insects are also used as a way to talk about something that is small or not important.

Jesus says in Matthew 6:26, “Look at the birds in the sky. They don’t plant, harvest, or store food, but your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you much more important than they are?” Here, birds are used to show how different people are from birds, and insects are used to show how small birds are.

Insects As A Symbol In Dreams:

Depending on the situation and the person having the dream, insects can mean different things. Some of the possible meanings of insects in dreams are:

  • Feelings of being unimportant or weak.
  • Hard work and diligence.
  • Change and getting bigger.
  • Resilience or adaptability.
  • How important it is to notice small or seemingly unimportant things.
  • The beauty and variety of nature. How all living things are linked.
  • The chance to make changes and start over.
  • Getting past problems and challenges.
  • Repulsive or disgusting feelings.
  • A feeling of being overtaken or beaten.
  • Negative things about yourself, like feeling guilty or ashamed.
  • Worry about being attacked or taken over.
  • A feeling of being too busy or not in charge.
  • Thoughts or actions that are bad or hurtful.
  • Fear of getting sick or being contaminated.

Positive Interpretations of Insects Dreams:

Even though insects are often seen as bad, they can also have good meanings in dreams. For instance:

  • Insects in a dream can be a sign of hard work and dedication.
  • They could be a symbol of change and growth, since many insects go through metamorphosis during their lives.
  • Insects in dreams could mean that you are strong or flexible.
  • They may be a reminder of how important it is to pay attention to small or seemingly unimportant things.
  • Insects in dreams may be a sign of how beautiful and varied nature is.
  • They may be a sign of how all living things are connected.
  • Insects in dreams can be a sign of change and renewal, since many insects don’t live long and go through different stages of growth.
  • They may be a sign of being able to get through hard times.

Negative Interpretations of Insects Dreams:

  • On the other hand, insects can also mean bad things in dreams. Such As:
  • Insects in a dream could mean that you feel disgusted or repulsed.
  • They may be a sign of feeling like you’ve been taken over or beaten.
  • Insects in dreams can be a sign of bad things about yourself, like guilt or shame.
  • They may represent feelings of being weak or helpless.
  • Insects in a dream could mean that you are worried about being invaded or attacked.
  • They may be a sign of feeling too busy or out of control.
  • Insects in dreams can be a sign of bad or destructive thoughts or actions.
  • They may represent a fear of getting sick or being dirty.


What do insects symbolize in dreams?

Insects in dreams can mean a lot of different things, like feelings of being unimportant, weak, disgusted, or repulsed. They could also stand for hard work, change, or the bad parts of oneself. The exact meaning can change depending on the situation and the person having the dream.

Can insects in dreams have positive meanings?

Even though insects in dreams are often seen as bad, they can also be good. For example, they might stand for hard work and perseverance or change and growth.

What do insects in dreams mean biblically?

In the Bible, insects are often used to show how small or unimportant something is. They could also stand for pests or a punishment for not following rules. In dreams, they may have the same meanings, or they may represent feelings of being weak or overwhelmed.

Can insects in dreams represent the fear of being overrun or overpowered?

Yes, insects can be a sign of the fear of being overrun or beaten because they are often linked to feelings of being weak and helpless.

Can insects in dreams symbolize negative aspects of oneself, such as guilt or shame?

Yes, insects can be a sign of bad things about yourself, like guilt or shame. They may be thoughts or actions that the dreamer doesn’t like or wants to change.


In short, the biblical meaning of insects in dreams can be different for different people and different situations. They can be used to talk about small or unimportant things, as well as annoying or pest-like actions. They can also be a sign of hard work and change.

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